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Population Research Center


Zurich Population Research Conference 2025

The scientific program of the Zurich Population Research Conference 2025 features both topic-focused and methods-oriented sessions. This dual-track approach offers an ideal platform for showcasing interdisciplinary population research.

The topics track addresses critical issues such as mental health, migration and mobility, environmental impacts, population disparities, and lifecourse research. It also offers insights from national datasets and studies on vulnerable and diverse populations. The methods track highlights innovative research approaches, including participatory and qualitative methods, cohort and longitudinal studies, and advanced modeling techniques.

This combination of thematic and methodological sessions strengthens our understanding of population dynamics and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration. We welcome you to explore and advance the future of population research.

PRC Conference 2025_Program (PDF, 2 MB)

Monday, 20 January 2025


Arrival of participants, registration, coffee

Room: Lichthof


Welcome Session

Room: Aula KOL-G-201

  • Welcome address by Prof Elisabeth Stark, Vice-President Research UZH
  • Welcome speech by PRC Directors
  • Keynote speeches
    • Melinda Mills
    • Emilio Zagheni


Coffee break


Session 1a: Population Insights from National Level Datasets

Room: TBA

Chair: TBA

  • Anja Leist (University of Luxembourg): ‘European pain’? Cohort trends and inequalities in pain in middle adulthood and older ages, 2012-2022
  • Nazihah Noor (University of Fribourg): Differential effects of adolescent health behaviors on adult cardiometabolic conditions by parental financial situation: a population-based cohort study
  • Anja Lehmann (University of Zurich): Long-term development in job crafting in employees with and without mental health issues during COVID-19: The role of job resources
  • Ágnes Szabó-Morvai (KRTK KTI): Precautionary Fertility: Conceptions, Births, and Abortions around Employment Shocks
  • Yun Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University): Polygenic risk for number of births is moderated by education achievement
  • Martin Tušl (University of Zurich): Longitudinal Dynamics of Occupational Well-being: Exploring Associations with Socio-economic Factors in Swiss and German Employees

Session 1b: Vulnerable Groups and Diverse Populations

Room: TBA

Chair: TBA

  • Sandra Gilgen (Universität Zürich): Which norms determine acceptance for use of assisted reproduction technologies for heterosexual couples?
  • Carlos Gómez González (University of Zurich): Can celebrities reduce ethnic discrimination? A field experiment in a social setting
  • Cecilia Potente (Erasmus University Rotterdam): Partner’s Education and Smoking: The Role of Selection
  • Babette L. Winter (University of Zurich): Population research in vulnerable populations: how can we reach those at high-risk of stigmatized health outcomes?
  • Dawid Gondek (FORS): The crisis in youth wellbeing – is it due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Denis Ribeaud (University of Zurich): Trends in Sexual Assault in Switzerland: Findings from the Zurich and Vaud Youth Surveys 1999-2022




Room: Lichthof


Session 2a: Advanced Modelling Methods

Room: TBA

Chair: TBA

  • Phung Lang (University of Zurich): A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study on HPV Vaccination in Adults in Switzerland: An Analysis of Age, Sex and Regional Differences in Vaccine Coverage and Factors Affecting Vaccine Uptake
  • Gert Stulp (University of Groningen): How predictable is having a child in the next three years? Results of the first data challenge in population research
  • Léonie Hofstetter (University of Zurich and Balgrist University Hospital): Predicting patient outcomes and risk for revision surgery after hip and knee replacement surgery: comparison of modelling approaches using the Swiss National Joint Registry (SIRIS)
  • Aurélien Sallin (SWICA): Expanding Interrupted Time-Series methodologies for evaluation of population-level interventions
  • Valentin Jaki Waibl (Swiss TPH): Monitoring objective and self-reported sleep in 150 Swiss adolescents for one week: HERMES cohort study
  • David Bürgin (University of Zurich): Longitudinal natural language processing analysis of major life events from adolescence to young adulthood in a large urban cohort study

Session 2b: Innovative Research Methodologies

Room: TBA

Chair: TBA

  • Natalie von Goetz (Federal Office of Public Health): Human Biomonitoring in SHeS-pilot: study design and findings
  • Fynn Bachmann (University of Zurich): Adaptive Questionnaires in Political Surveys
  • Saurabh Singh (International Institute for Population Sciences):    Addressing Sensitive Questions Response in Large- Scale Survey of India: Impact of Fieldworker and Social Desirability Bias
  • Miloš Milovanović (Linköping University): Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Turnout Rates in Sweden from Demographic Data
  • Michael Ochsner (FORS): Estimating Population Parameters in Changing Societies. Offering a Tool to the Interdisciplinary Research Community by Keeping Representation Bias Low in General Population Surveys
  • Anja Frei (University of Zurich): The validation of real-world digital mobility outcomes


Coffee break


Plenary Session 3: The Power of Interdisciplinary Population Data

Room: Aula KOL-G-201

Chair: TBA

  • Marieke Voorpostel (FORS): The Swiss Household Panel: the potential of a long running household panel for population research
  • Maria Carlander (SWICA): The potential of using health insurance claims data for population research
  • Tabea Hässler (University of Zurich): Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel - Assessing the Impact of Legal and Social Changes on LGBTIQ+ Individuals
  • Michael von Rhein (University Children`s Hospital Zürich): Let`s answer this question together: interdisciplinary approaches in pediatric health care research.


Dinner for all attendees (Registration required)

Tuesday, 21 January 2025



Room: KOL-G-201


Session 4a: Migration and Population Mobility

Room: KOL-G-212

Chair: TBA

  • Dorothee Beckendorff (EPFL): Human development, basic needs and city out-migration: Subnational perspectives on the mobility transition 
  • Dina Maskileyson (University of Luxembourg): A Systematic Examination of the Morbidity Profiles of Immigrants and Natives in Norway
  • Andreas Genoni (Federal Institute for Population Research Germany): Should I stay or should I go? Unmet migration expectations and outmigration of skilled recent immigrants to Switzerland
  • Micol Morellini (University of Oxford): Understanding the Gendered Structure of International Migration, 1960-2020
  • Daniela Foresta (Sapienza, University of Rome): Pre- and post-arrival effects on state and development of Refugees' mental health status in Germany.
  • Ronny Westerman (Federal Institute for Population Research): How to capture chronic conditions and multimorbidity within migrant subgroups in the German National Cohort (NAKO): Potentials and challenges.


Session 4b: Participatory and Qualitative Research

Room: KOL-G-209

Chair: TBA

  • Chantal Lüdi   (University Children’s Hospital Zurich): Swiss Outpatient Pediatric Research Network
  • Martin Röösli (swisstph): 5G Scientist Monitor App: A tool for data collection and risk communication using a citizen science approach
  • Christina Haag (University of Zurich): Utilizing text data as indicators of mental health in large cohort studies: Insights from the Swiss z-proso Study
  • Maria Rosa Mondardini (Citizen Science Zurich): The Role of Citizen Science in Population Health Research
  • Nathalie Schweyckart   (University of Zurich): Communication of prediction models for hip and knee replacement surgery: a qualitative study to better understand the information needs and behaviours of patients, surgeons, and policymakers
  • Andreas Baumer (University of Zürich): Talk2UZH (“Talk to us”): Collecting and Analyzing Spoken Answers at Scale in Population Research


Coffee break

Room: KOL-G-201


Session 5a: Lifecourse Research

Room: KOL-F-123

Chair: TBA

  • Lukas Eggenberger (University Hospital of Psychiatry & Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development): Something is not nothing: Recreational substance use and cognitive functions in a large community sample of young adults with hair testing
  • Caroline Bähler (SWICA): Temporal trends in routine developmental assessments and urgent care consultations in Swiss children and adolescents
  • Mathilde Le Vu (University of Zurich): Neonatal health during the influenza pandemic of 1918-20
  • Shubhankar Sharma (University of Helsinki): Gender and educational trends in lifetime risk, age at onset, expectancy, and survival with cardiovascular disease in Finland, 1996-2020
  • Ines Engler (University of Zurich): Data Driven Classifications of Psychopathology: An Investigation of Internalizing Disorders in Childhood
  • Fabian Kratz (University of Munich (LMU)): Explaining Social Disparities by Emulating Interventions at Different Life Course Stages

Session 5b: Research on Population Disparities

Room: KOL-G-212

Chair: TBA

  • Katarina Matthes (University of Zurich): Long-term Mortality Effects of the 1918/19 Pandemic Birth Cohort in Switzerland
  • Ruth Overmann (University of the Bundeswehr Munich): Crisis concerns and childbearing intentions in Europe
  • Abhishek Anand (International Institute for Population Sciences): Differential trends in the nucleation of households in India, 1998-2019
  • Jael Auf der Maur (University of Bern): Borderline Personality Pathology in Young Men from the General Population: Prevalence, Longitudinal Course, and Behavioral Profiles
  • Tim Riswick (Radboud University): First results of GREATLEAP: A COST-Action network for studying historical health inequalities in European populations
  • Sebastian Klüsener (Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)): Assessing regional mortality disparities across intra- and international borders in Europe: An application of the Earth Mover’s Distance


Session 5c: Environmental Impact

Room: KOL-G-209

Chair: TBA

  • Marloes Eeftens (Swiss TPH): Allergies unmasked: pollen’s systemic impact on health
  • Kyra Zens (University of Zurich): A Combined Cross-Sectional Analysis and Case-Control Study Evaluating Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccination Coverage, Disease and Vaccine Effectiveness in Children 0-17 in Switzerland, 2005-2022
  • Risto Conte Keivabu (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research): Environmental Disasters and Health at Birth: Evidence from Wildfires in Spain
  • Julien Riou (Unisanté): Biomonitoring in the Swiss Health Study pilot: sources of PFAS exposure
  • Subhojit Shaw (International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai): Ecosystem resilience mitigates temperature impacts on neonatal and infant mortality in India




Room: Lichthof


Session 6a: Insights from Cohort and Longitudinal Research

Room: KOL-G-212

Chair: TBA

  • Laura Bechtiger (University of Zurich): Physical youth-to-parent aggression in adolescence and young adulthood: a population-based cohort study
  • Carmen Borrat-Besson (FORS): SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
  • Paola Daniore (University of Zurich): Real-world patterns in remote longitudinal study participation: a study of the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry
  • Fabian Winiger (University of Zurich): Empirical foundations for the development of spiritual care. Results of a representative population survey in the Canton of Zurich
  • Saskia Maria De Gani (Careum Center for Health Literacy, Zurich and Careum School of Health, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Zurich): Latest data on vaccine literacy and vaccination behavior of the Swiss adult population
  • Nicole Bender (University of Zurich): Impact of diet and physical activity on body composition in the general population of the greater Zurich area: cohort study

Session 6b: Mental Health

Room: KOL-G-209

Chair: TBA

  • Clarissa Janousch (University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich & Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, UZH): A Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Cannabis Use on Cognitive Performance in Young Adulthood: Associations and Trajectories
  • Odile Sauzet (Bielefeld University): Interaction effects on health between perceived neighbourhood social cohesion and demographic changes: a longitudinal linked panel and regional data study
  • Jurgita Slekiene (University of Zurich): A pilot study on the effects of resilience, physical activity, and gender on mental health among Malawian adolescents: Foundations for population-level public health interventions
  • Susanne Fischer (University of Zurich): Cold Season Effects of Ambient Temperature and Psycholgocial Well-being and Health
  • Kateryna Golovina (University of Helsinki): Mental disorders and becoming a parent: a nationwide register study of young people in Finland
  • Viktoriia Yasenok (University of Zurich): Mental Health Assessment of the Population (MAP) research program in Ukraine (MAP-U) and in Zurich (MAP-Z): the prevalence estimates from the baseline assessment.


Closing Session

Room: Aula KOL-G-201

  • Announcement of PRC best presentation prize
  • Farewell speech by PRC Directors
  • Career and networking event
  • Accompanied by beverages